Title: da zirkus kom til byen
created on 07 Jun 13

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. clorophilla wrote:
 happy to see your whirling pictures again!
2. Lizzi wrote:
 Linka! Good to see you! Are you back to stay? I am back from hospital with my new titanium hip (1week today). It is very sore today. I love your picture.
3. Normal wrote:
 The circus is always welcome! So are you, Linka!
4. bluemoon wrote:
 this is wonderful to see
5. five wrote:
6. suzze wrote:
7. methusalinka wrote:
 linka!!! have I not yet told you all how happy and welcome and safe you made me with what you have said ...dont understand how this reply can be this delayed..sorry but I guess I made a draft of what I needed to say to you, and then thought I did send it
8. methusalinka wrote:
 anyhow clo happy to hear that and happy to try again lizzi hope your new hip is not so sore anymore. and that you do feel better. as you know by now I was not back.not for real.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 but in july I do hope to be helped back.some how. love to hear you love my pic and normal to know that I am welcome is such a blessed gift.and bluemoon what them bits and them colours in them dare to..and then when
10. methusalinka wrote:
 we do too..right..and you five also liked it and you suzze too. I am such a lucky lass. thanks all of you wave to you.linka
11. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Bright and beautiful!