Title: hej
created on 13 Jan 13

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. nancylee wrote:
 So mysterious
2. methusalinka wrote:
 yes isnt it..we can not make something out of life as it is..in daylight here.can we.we have to dig down into all the other ways.but if you saw how nany minds and moods. I tried to make that sun smile.and at last gave it up let her have only them original
3. methusalinka wrote:
 pls delete the text after "ways" it went all wrong here.. I try again.forgot to save.but : all the other ways, minds and moods. if you had seen how many times I tried to give her a smile.but no could not. so decided to let go..and just give her, the fem
4. methusalinka wrote:
 and just give her, the female sun ,the eyes from the theme: blue and silently caring, as they are.a n d see the paps on the left side become thoughful behind his big glasses and no monster at all
5. methusalinka wrote:
 and the one flower gets on wings to take off..but, said the sun, its okay, its due to come back.one day.I believe it.so do you. luckily. so anyhow, maybe life as it is, was to find..in this world of luna`s upsidedown and with no limits-world..hi from lin
6. methusalinka wrote: