Title: Anyone for a Game? (play)
created on 18 Nov 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. tinkerer wrote:
 Gotta go slower so you can see the moves
2. Meander wrote:
 I like it!
3. Burgandy wrote:
 I don't think I want to play you - you are too good:)
4. indigo wrote:
 Very good!
5. pinkie wrote:
 Looks great - good idea! There might be someone who could keep up!!
6. sandm wrote:
 cool! If you´re "playing against yourself", you always can see yourself as looser .. or winner, depending on your .. thoughts?
7. momeoky wrote:
 Oh, my gosh, Yes!
8. DilCoura wrote:
 Genial!!! voce me deixa doida porque não consigo fazer.....irrrr....irrrrr.....