Title: mirror mirror on the wall...
created on 15 Sep 12

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Burgandy wrote:
 Love the outfit,earrings and hair!
2. lesley_gene wrote:
 She is the loveliest! :)
3. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Very cute Gothic lady...nice earrings! ^J^
4. methusalinka wrote:
 wish she could be on my wall telling this is my grandgrandgrandma.if not more time for TD tonight godnat when its your night linmar no I have to say.love the eyes deep blue!
5. nibblesmummy wrote:
 lol that just looks like snow wight its amazing a wonderful pice of art work here its amaming i wish the was my piture
6. kata wrote:
 you have the best mirror!
7. sandm wrote:
 cool! new fashion style fall/winter:)
8. priya41 wrote:
 mirror: you are the prettiest of the lot!
9. methusalinka wrote:
 our way to say...it: "lille spegl pÃ¥ væggen der, sig mig hvem i verden er: alle dine længsler værd? Fra din top til dine tæer er det een, og hun stÃ¥r her" said the mirror...and she still looks my gipsy-roma-tip tip