Title: .faith
created on 15 Jul 12

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. chelydra wrote:
2. methusalinka wrote:
 6.januar 2013: you make me happy and give me courage to be me.tak
3. methusalinka wrote:
 pls.you who could and can make a boat water foam and air and move your tool so that I can hear it.though my ears almost sleep now tell me now tell me pls. that my verse-song without melody..at least for now...
4. methusalinka wrote:
 has not made you master look me up when it comes to poems.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 .I am very very scared that seriously that humming should be taken for a song.seriously to become a poet not a painter took all time. I gave it all my life. and it gave me all my life. not in an abstract way but day by day hour by hour second by second.
6. methusalinka wrote:
 till my son came and needed his mom.poems still called too.but luckily not louder than his eager voice;"ikke sove mer"
7. methusalinka wrote:
 but one day his less need of me loosened him and me.and again: to hold on to a silent bit of paper and let the silence in there tell about the silence elsewhere everywhere.let it celebrate being.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 and let me forget I am.cause it does not matter that much.what is to be found and loved is all.and then some one tired but happy wakes up on that chair in the dusk.the chair has made letters of no origin on her but and to stand up and be in the room is a
9. methusalinka wrote:
 wonder. how did I get here.ever.
10. methusalinka wrote:
 thats to live life the way I have lived it.not realy but in so much joy.when fear left
11. methusalinka wrote:
 faith is an oath sworn by it all.and I wanted so and still do to join it.
12. methusalinka wrote:
 and how I wish you could read my language and find my poems. some are shit. of course.there are so many they would have covered so much space had they still existed.but of whats left I know
13. methusalinka wrote:
 that if you like my comments and want to give them time, you would too the poems thay are a very long stream followed gratefully