Title: Where are my pictures going
created on 07 May 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. mekeys wrote:
 Whats going on ?.I just did a picture and it dose'nt show up in the gallery..
2. mekeys wrote:
 I did three pictures today and only one shows up,none in the next 20 pages..WHATS UP ???
3. bluemoon wrote:
 "the old gallery is still available at http://www.thinkdraw.com/gallery.php - it can be accessed directly if you click 'My Picture Gallery' at the top right of any page."
4. bluemoon wrote:
 check out this link from the forums page http://www.thinkdraw.com/forum
Posts.php?topicId=1237 lots of changes to the gallery and a lot of opinions.
5. bluemoon wrote:
6. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Great, deep and rich!
7. linmar wrote:
 awesome design mekeys! i have the old gallery bookmarked so i can readily see all the designs - i find it too easy to miss designs viewing the new gallery
8. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks everyone for your help..I bookmarked it to go to the old gallery..Seems the eadiest way for me..