Title: Man and Moon
created on 30 Apr 12

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Comments on this picture (29):
1. Normal wrote:
 Great image of solitude.
2. DilCoura wrote:
3. sandm wrote:
 This is a comment to chelydra, maybe there are others reading it too. The 1 %, now controlling the 99 %: This is THE ultimate challenge of our times. Are they (we) able to build another system, based on self-responsibility and common values or do they (w
4. sandm wrote:
 they (we) need a system, ruled by the "elite" who tells them (us) what to do.
5. sandm wrote:
 When you say "money is now more powerful and more sacred than God and Nature put together", then this is in the mind and purpose of the 1 %.
6. sandm wrote:
 In fact, money never can have this power - except WE leave OUR power to it, and presently, this is the situation.
7. sandm wrote:
 There is nothing to say against money, the question is, what are WE doing and how are we dealing with it. Do we "invest" and innovate FOR the humans or only for money and AGAINST the humans.
8. sandm wrote:
 Do we rant and wait, that "others" are going to solve the problems or do WE care and act AS WE ARE telling IT SHOULD BE and THE OTHERS SHOULD DO.
9. sandm wrote:
 This picture shows a man and the moon (as symbol for female power). In the light of the moon, together, in one picture. Solitude wasnt meant, but in fact .. it is.
10. Hobbes wrote:
 I totally agree with you..great pic!
11. sandm wrote:
 It is the ABSENCE of the female power in our world, which caused the social unbalance. And there are only a few men who are STRONG enough to live and act in a sense of common responsibility and welfare. Far too few.
12. sandm wrote:
 All others are living in a kind of doom, they have an other interpretation of strenght (as we can see every day) and if they are hearing something about "female power and value", they only understand there was something AGAINST men.!
13. sandm wrote:
 PS: I know a man who has got enormous potentials and abilities of all what is needed so urgently but he was struggling in this concept for a very long time.
14. sandm wrote:
 BTW, its really fascinating, that every single change here on earth, even in the smallest particles is effecting THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.
15. chelydra wrote:
 Since men were designed (by God and/or Nature) to hunt mammoths while womenfolk are busy with babies, we now have to spend our whole lives trying to figure out who or what we are — and what to with the mammoth-hunting tendencies.
16. chelydra wrote:
 My faving this is because of your innovative and lovely Gothic sky, tho I'm also much honoured (and astonished) to see your thoughts above.
17. bluemoon wrote:
 lovely and meaningful picture
18. sandm wrote:
 Thanks chelydra for voting and comments! Mammoth-hunting, well its really a long time ago, my last memory is appr. of the Middle Ages.
19. sandm wrote:
 Well, meanwhile the human procreation isnt such a main issue - on the level how it is done physically - this has been managed quite sucessfully over the ages, for some regions maybe too succesfully.
20. sandm wrote:
 And as humans fortunately have left the cave and could develop, slowly and in cycles but consequently in a long sight, towards a "being of conciousness" - the question of "who am I" (in my opinion) is a question of co-creation.
21. sandm wrote:
 In the meaning of: creating and developing ourselves and the world, we want to live in. And then ... I`m just again at the beginning of my comments here.
22. sandm wrote:
 Ive experienced the "deep business world" and the bars too. Marlboro, coffee and spirits in ... work (as for 3) out. Permanent time limits, pressure, highest quality and many others around, waiting for my failure.
23. sandm wrote:
 But I wasnt really in this system, more beside of it, I always have been the "external" and the "exotic". I wasnt depending on their rules and decisions and I refused mandates and jobs, when I couldnt agree to the goals or methods.
24. sandm wrote:
 I dont want to top the number of comments, therefore I`ll stop writing here. I left this life, I ve described above in 2004.
25. sandm wrote:
 And now Im again at the "question of no answer". There`s a person who has been fighting almost the whole life against roles and being put into roles, .. and on the other side there seems to be a person who was trying to fit into so many roles.
26. sandm wrote:
 Could have been the reason for this laughter from "above", they are always good for such "jokes". :)
27. lesley_gene wrote:
28. Radrook wrote:
29. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Outstanding art and commetary!