Title: Sunflower fields
created on 01 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. marg wrote:
 well.. I like it (and that was a 5* from me !)
2. Gummybear wrote:
 really cool and interesting!
3. pollyesther wrote:
 i love the rustic fence and there is so much movement in the sky!
4. Login wrote:
 I like the track through the field of sunflowers.
5. nancylee wrote:
 Wonderful! I heard on car talk that a field like this will track the sun in the course of the day, turning their "heads"
6. qwer wrote:
 really good, great composition and great texturing.
7. Login wrote:
 Your right nancylee. I've seen them growing, in several countries, and the sunflower heads face the sun throught the day, as the sun moves across the horizon.
8. puzzler wrote:
 Reminds me of France.