Title: International Rare Diseases Day
created on 28 Feb 12

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. tinkerer wrote:
 Tomorrow, Feb 29, is International Rare Diseases Day, and I sure wish someone with more talent than I have would attempt this logo.
2. tinkerer wrote:
 It is three overlapping hands: blue & green with the thumbs in the center and then pink over that.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Looks good to me. I have never deen the logo nor even heard of the day. Only in leap year? Must be why it's rare! It's pretty.
4. suzze wrote:
5. tinkerer wrote:
 Don't know if this will work . . . http://www.rarediseaseday.org/
6. Angela wrote:
 Link works. It's a good likeness. Thanks for bringing this to our awareness! ;>