Title: The Power of Creation
created on 27 Jan 12

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. sandm wrote:
 Aleph Kaf Aleph: "DNA of the Soul"
2. sandm wrote:
 When life appears fragmented and disjointed, we can create order out of chaos, tranquility out of turmoil, and calm out of commotion by bringing everything back to its original perfect state - back to the DNA of our lives.
3. sandm wrote:
 This Name connects us to the full power of Creation, It brings renewal, order and creative power to the areas in which we desperately need them.
4. sandm wrote:
 ---- Here you receive nothing less than the full impact of the forces of Creation. You restore meaning to lives that often feel meaningless, and purpose to a world that often appears aimless. Order returna. Structure emerges. Everything is tidied up. ----
5. Hobbes wrote:
 Thanks for sharing your knowledge about Names of God..
6. sandm wrote:
7. pollyesther wrote: