Title: Whats yr feeling... Just tell me
created on 20 Jan 12

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. katpedro wrote:
 My feeling - Just happy,peaceful and loving. Hope it lasts for the entire day. We just do not know what tomorrow will bring.
2. Hazer wrote:
 I am tired (didn't sleep well). Also happily anticipating having company over the weekend.
3. tinkerer wrote:
 What I saw first was an old-fashioned desk, probably roll top, with a doily and fountain pen in an ink jar ready to write an old-fashioned letter . . . do people still do that?
4. tinkerer wrote:
 Very peaceful and pleasant . . . a day spent with good friends
5. Normal wrote:
 I figured it was a pleasant drink of yerba mate'. Haven't ever tried it, but it sounds good!
6. bagel wrote:
 Right now I am feeling not exactly chipper, but not really down either. I am more just a pleasant and almost tired feeling. I am happy because I just mixed up a batch of cookies. I'm not cooking them - I made them just b/cause I wanted the dough!

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
