Title: Javaland Inspired by Jaybuddy
created on 05 Jan 12

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. indigo wrote:
 NICE pic... yum smells good! But not before bed. :]
2. Shanley wrote:
 yep...i know that Java coe smell :)
3. Emily wrote:
 Love it. Its like a sneaky cuppa hidden under something waiting to be consumed. Nothing like a bit of contraband for a great taste!
4. jaybuddy wrote:
 I knew you would do something like this!
5. hanging wrote:
 looking good.
6. DilCoura wrote:
7. Lizzi wrote:
 It's a great picture, but what amazes me is how this came out of a dog-walking picture!
8. Burgandy wrote:
 Great mug:) The pic - not you:) Anyway - my favorite aroma!
9. Normal wrote:
 Yes, he sure showed us the rich deep browns hidden under those beads. Neat one!
10. GMTJ wrote: