Title: Fabric Fantasy
created on 24 Sep 11

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. five wrote:
 a lot of work with faces...
2. artdillon wrote:
 she looks lost in fabrics,hope she makes it.great pic.
3. ceniracoura wrote:
 lesly gene,que bom vc estar de volta.Tenho um vidio gravado de minha cidade SJdos Compos quero mandar de presente a vc,como eu posso mandar?
4. ceniracoura wrote:
 exuberante notável...
5. ceniracoura wrote:
 exuberante notavel teu desenho!!
6. Burgandy wrote:
 I'd wear the in a heartbeat! Glad to see you back!
7. lesley_gene wrote:
 This is actually an draft I had forgotten about. Having a bit of difficulty drawing, as I have a cataract and things are a bit blurry. Surgery on Tues. then back to TD! :)
8. indigo wrote:
 Very cool! Nice to see you... good luck on Tuesday! ;]
9. ceniracoura wrote:
 lesley gene, nos somos irmaõs naõ importa a distansia,pensamento positivo,da tudo certo, tenha fe em Deus... naõ esquesi do que prometi mandarei hoje cem falta sou meia atrapalhada no computador,meu filho vai faser isso para mim.
10. hanging wrote:
 Hello LG, thank you for the comment. And what an incidence, I have a cataract too!!! I'm leaving to Japan for two weeks and will get the surgery after that. Yours is today...? I'm praying for the complete success of it. And I'll be back after mine at the
11. hanging wrote:
 - end of Oct. :)
12. hanging wrote:
 I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well. Yes! And thank you for your warm words. Everything will be alright, I think. :)
13. NADIA wrote:
 Lovely pic!
14. DilCoura wrote:
 lesley gene,Parabens vários Top 5,bem merecidos.