Title: One Day at a Time
created on 25 Aug 11

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. lesley_gene wrote:
 Excellent advice! Glad you are ok.
2. ANGELAotheracct wrote:
 Amen ------ Long time... How ya doin'?
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 thanks katpedro. I think where I live will be fine, I hope. I am really worried about the Outer Banks. I used to live there and still have many friends there. There has been a lot of talk that they are long overdue for "the big one" and I hope this is not
4. mdawrcn wrote:
 it. If you have an internet connection, you must be ok? I hope so.

User: katpedro

Profile Picture for katpedro

Date joined: 16 Jan 2009

Number of pictures: 1391
