Title: Headline! Light kant xcape black holes
created on 24 Jul 11

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. kleinrock wrote:
 lite falls into the event horizon
2. kleinrock wrote:
 one cubic centimeter [one cc = size of one sugar kube] of black hole weighz more than the hole earth
3. Renee355 wrote:
 I've always wondered about the gamma ray jets. Were the particles never beyond the event horizon?
4. Renee355 wrote:
 My youngest brother is seven years younger than me, so he will be 33 in Aug. Yet I still call him "Kid." That has become his nickname. For some reason, I keep wanting to call you Kid, too. So, if I slip up, please don't be mad at me.
5. mshafey wrote:
6. lesley_gene wrote:
 good design.
7. Renee355 wrote:
 Light is also a form of energy. So, why can't it escape, but gamma radiation can? The energy would not be lost. It would be transformed into mass (E=mc2) adding to the pull of the black hole.
8. Renee355 wrote:
 The gamma bursts are the black hole's farts.
9. Gemini8 wrote:
 Looks so mind-boggling! :)

User: kleinrock

Profile Picture for kleinrock

Date joined: 19 Jun 2011

Number of pictures: 73

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