Title: the ladder! her highness wants cocoa!
created on 16 Jul 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Lizzi wrote:
2. lesley_gene wrote:
 lol, great title
3. kleinrock wrote:
 thanks teryl for the comments great design what does the title mean?
4. teryl wrote:
 hello kleinrock! the "quilts" i've been creating relate to a fairy story about a princess who was so delicate that even under 20 or so mattresses, she was still bruised by a pea under the bottom mattress. her bed was so tall (with all those mattresses) t
5. teryl wrote:
 that a ladder had to be used to get up and down. it's a rather silly story by today's standards, but it was written during a time when girls and women were thought to be weak and "delicate". you are a delightful fellow! go hug your mom again!!
6. teryl wrote:
 kleinrock-my daughter, who is also an artist with a wicked sense of humor, was just as delighted with your art and your wit as i am-so you have another fan!
7. kleinrock wrote:
 thx 4 that xplanation i get it also thx 4 your ncie comments they help me with my konfidense also does yr daughter draw on here?

User: teryl

Profile Picture for teryl

Date joined: 9 Jul 2011

Number of pictures: 21

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 July 11
