Title: Slice tests for radiation in Japan
created on 01 May 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. alanator wrote:
 My meter shows red.I feel funny.Do I look ok ?
2. 56rosie wrote:
 No problem!! You're positively glowing Slice! LOL
3. Normal wrote:
 Always in the thick of things! Let's hope he can help them bring the meter back down.
4. lesley_gene wrote:
 You radiate a glow!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 What does a yellow aura mean? I hope it's something positive.
6. Lizzi wrote:
 If that's your hazmat suit, you are OK. If it's your aura, you are either spiritually advanced, or a liar and cheat. Hmmmm...
7. Login wrote:
 Very topical. Wishing Japan may soon recover from this years tragedies.