Title: DRUNKARDS PATH quilt square
created on 13 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. lynnspotter wrote:
 I left space between the squares, so you can see how the pattern forms. It takes 16 squares to form this pattern, which is repeated over & over.
2. lynnspotter wrote:
 This pattern told slaves to stagger back & forth to elude any slave hunters. told them they might even double back to avoid them.
3. nancylee wrote:
4. Tim42 wrote:
 Really nice
5. Moose wrote:
 Tjis is really coollooking!
6. Moose wrote:
 sorry, I meant this is really cool looking, I typed it wrong.
7. marg wrote:
 another one I think is a beaut pic - congrats !
8. hxxhxx wrote:
 Thanks for the history. I was familiar with the quilt pattern but didn't realize it was a teaching, too!