Title: Bear's claw
created on 12 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. nancylee wrote:
 This one carried the advice to follow the paths that bears made in the woods. Apparently easy to follow, but not frequented by people.
2. arty wrote:
 Never having seen such a sign , I would not understand it.Like the colours and pattern but please explain it to me .
3. lynnspotter wrote:
 these are symbolic quilt squares that signaled escaped slaves the route to freedom. since quilts were aired out often~they didn't raise suspicion.
4. lynnspotter wrote:
 glad you did this one! you were very creative!!
5. nancylee wrote:
 Arty - this is one of a series Lynnspotter and I are working on. This is a traditional quilt pattern, where the corners are likened to bear claws. Slaves would hang quilts "out to air" to help runaways on the underground railway. This one meant to go thro
6. nancylee wrote:
 through the woods rather than on the roads, presumably because someone was looking for runaway slaves.
7. lynnspotter wrote:
 another version is: follow the bear paths-no one else would go on those!
8. arty wrote:
 Got you.Thanks