Title: series: #1 Monkey wrench quilt block
created on 12 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. nancylee wrote:
 This was the first square of a series that led slaves to freedom. The Monkey wrench meant get your tools, including mental tools, together to go.
2. matthew wrote:
 Oh boy, a story... This is better than a picture book... =) Nice pic too
3. arty wrote:
 Learning more about American history again Thanks nancylee.
4. palmasbob wrote:
 Very colorful,...I'll have to check it out, not sure I've heard of that before. I did watch my grandma make quilts before.
5. lynnspotter wrote:
 Oh this is going to be a NEAT series!!
6. earthfriendly11 wrote:
 how did you guys make a quilt? I just saw that quilt you and lynnspotter made. I want to know how so i can make one with my other friend on think draw!
7. earthfriendly11 wrote:
 by the way, I love this!