Title: smoking isn't sexy
created on 05 Feb 11

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. nancylee wrote:
2. Burgandy wrote:
 Boy - did you get that right!!
3. Normal wrote:
 As a teen, I thought I'd be a spy when I grew up and had to have a trench coat and learn to smoke. Still like trench coats, but tobacco is LONG gone!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Love the pose, and the curling smoke. Does her kiss really taste like licking an ashtray? ☺
5. mdawrcn wrote:
 Funny! Like the green eye shadow.
6. indigo wrote:
 Nice pic! So glad I don't have that ball and chain anymore....17 years clean.
7. clorophilla wrote:
 Hi polenta! I don't know what exam is more evaluated in Italy - I'm not translator by titles but by skills... In ITaly you can work on translation nayway... and not necesarily the baccalaureated translators are more smart than the others! And - I transla
8. clorophilla wrote:
 I translate from English to Italian only
9. KJLavigne wrote:
 Very true and very nice job.