Title: Improvement on my last ...
created on 22 Dec 10

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Comments on this picture (3):
1. Brunnhilde wrote:
 This is MY favourite!
2. kit605 wrote:
 Hi, it's kit605 again... I don't get how poeple do this stuff. I can never do it, I can overlap stuff and make it look like alot of your pic's.Like Gothic Doodle I have no idea how poeple do that stuff (as I alredy said)I try it and it turns out like craz
3. kit605 wrote:
 I'm going to say the end of my first comment... I try and it turns out like crazy, I love this pic and how you did it all together. Bye!!

User: Brunnhilde

Profile Picture for Brunnhilde

Date joined: 2 Nov 2010

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