Title: Where in the world am I?
created on 06 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Tim42 wrote:
 Reverand Billy Graham's Cyystal cathedral
2. craftycarol wrote:
 could be egypt or paris?
3. nancylee wrote:
 That's what I was thinking. Although I'll be there would be a lot more in the background in Paris.
4. nancylee wrote:
 Lynnspotter-My original question about depth was called bridge. It is still there, but will try bridge 2 following your lead.
5. jmdx3mom wrote:
 Las Vegas has a huge glass pyramid hotel. Could it be Las Vegas?
6. lynnspotter wrote:
 Was going for the Louvre, but it is also similar to the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas!
7. lynnspotter wrote:
 ps, too lazy to do background!
8. Moose wrote:
 I think, because of her last comment, that this is the Louvre.
9. Login wrote:
 In that case, I agree with Mosse.
10. Dragon wrote:
 This actually looks a lot like a place in Edmonton, Ab Canada, I think it's called the Muttart Gardens. (Why they built a glass pyramid in the middle of a province known for it's hail storms is a mystery to me)
11. koalasareawesome wrote:
 hey i have been there before. true
12. jspi0025 wrote:
 I have never been to America.For me it is Louvre in Paris!