Title: Aura Bird
created on 02 Nov 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 The male Aura Bird, so called because the lighter edge feathers look like the bird has a glowing aura.
2. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Has no predators within the desert scrub eco system, and so has developed this beautiful plumage to attract females.
3. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Possibly related to the Phoenix and is extremely rare.
4. clorophilla wrote:
 great imagination!
5. mdawrcn wrote:
 Beautiful bird.
6. mdawrcn wrote:
 Are you voting yourself down by accident? There is a quirk here and I have done it several times just by editing details. When I didn't vote on myself it somehow gave me a low vote. Just wondering.
7. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I don't think that is the case here, but thanks for your votes and nice comments.
8. danila wrote: