Title: swastik
created on 26 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. debray wrote:
 Honey. This is not good. Do you know what this symbol means?
2. rekhaoza wrote:
 this is indian holy,auspicious symbol of puja
3. Dragon wrote:
 Yes, actually the word svastika translates to "that which is associated with well-being" and is a symbol of good luck in many eastern religions including Hindu and Buddhism. It's stigmatized in the west because of its association with the Nazi party.
4. Angela wrote:
 This is very painful to many.
5. indigo wrote:
 Thanks Dragon for that information...I didn't know this and it is very interesting!
6. teach wrote:
 This is very bad...you should delete it immediately! It may have some other meaning but it is mostly associated with Nazi's and the Holocaust...get rid of it!!
7. bluemoon wrote:
 This explains it as did Dragon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik
8. Geetha wrote:
 Dear TD friends, I would like add about this pic. If you see little carefully, you will notice the difference between the two swastika, the Nazi one is drawn the other way. and this pic " which is a very auspious symbol of any festival in India", is drawn
9. Geetha wrote:
 The vertical line in this pic starts from the right side and the Nazi one starts from the left side. I guess i made it clear.

User: rekhaoza

Profile Picture for rekhaoza

Date joined: 25 Oct 2010

Number of pictures: 40