Title: 5000 BC(Uno land Continued)
created on 07 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. zum117 wrote:
 Part 14: (111th Day) the princess now is teaching hasan history & Geography..He insisted that he learn all what she know before the 6th month end
2. zum117 wrote:
 deep in his mind started to realize that a man should be fully educated to earn people's respect..History of the oldest civilization on earth taught him that clearly
3. zum117 wrote:
 Egypt,Babylon,Finnish,Rome He started to feel like he is leaking knowledge..A Man Worth what he achieve in his life for Others...A man who lives for himself worth nothing
4. zum117 wrote:
 Mother is just marketing the princess artwork only to finest shops in uno land and they just keep asking for more..money is no more an issue..
5. Lizzi wrote:
 I hope that Hasan will notice that people who know a lot are only worthy of our respect if they are kind and have integrity. Can the princess teach that?Time will tell...
6. indigo wrote:
 The Pyramids and The Sphinx...nicely done! So is the story ;)
7. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„جزء الرابع عشر نهايه الشهر الثالث الاميره تعلم حسن التاريخ والج
8. zum117 wrote:
 Ù†ÙØ³Ù‡ ان على الانسان ان يصل الى اقصى درجات العلم المتاح له لينال احتØ
9. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„بابليه الفينيقي
‡ الروماني
‡ ان عمر الانسان يحسب بمقدار ما قدمه Ù„Ù
10. danila wrote:
11. robotman wrote:
 perfect interpretation for the story part...i salute you

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