Title: 20 Jahre 3.Oktober!
created on 02 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Normal wrote:
 I went to celebrate 20 yrs with Leipzig last Oct. What happened in 1990?
2. ansara wrote:
 In 1989 the wall were opened, the GDR existed until the 3.October 1990, than both german countries were reunited. It's our national holiday, like the 4th of July in the United States.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Now I understand your picture, the wall and a lightningbolt! Ir doesn't seem like 20 years already!
4. ansara wrote:
 I was also astonished, when I realized, that it is really 2o years ago!
5. Normal wrote:
 The wall came down in NOV 1989 on the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht. I was living in Hamburg at the time. Had not noted the reunification date. Thanks.
6. ansara wrote:
 I remember the big party on the 3.Oct.1990 in Berlin at the "Brandenburger Tor". We also had many little parties here in Flensburg. We are reunited half the time, that we were parted...
7. bluemoon wrote:
 important tribute.
8. mum23 wrote:
 I remember crying as a child when I read about all the families that had been separated, and all the people who died trying to cross the wall. It seemed unreal when it finally came down, and it made it even more apparent just how incredibly pointless some
9. mum23 wrote:
 of the things that human beings can do to others are. Thank you for the reminder...

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