Title: A.Branduardi:Cogli la prima mela
created on 02 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 I googled this but I still don't understand. Is it futbal?
2. ansara wrote:
 No, it's the cover of an album of Angelo Branduardi, there are two kids, that are climbing across a fence. "Cogli la prima mela" means "Pick the first apple".
3. Normal wrote:
 Thanks for the translation. It's that time of year. ("Mums" is a nickname for chrysantemums.) I got the idea from one Burgandy did.
4. ansara wrote:
 And thank you for explaining!:)

User: ansara

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Date joined: 10 Aug 2010

Number of pictures: 130

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 Album Covers
 Christmas Holidays