Title: The Witch's hand
created on 01 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. jspi0025 wrote:
 Hello Indigo!I saw your foot and I tried a hand:)
2. indigo wrote:
 It's a match! ;]
3. jspi0025 wrote:
 But yours is better indigo as I am still amateurish!
4. indigo wrote:
 LOL! I'm an amateur too but thanks! :) You should look at the Top 5, present and past...there are some real artists here who do incredible work with the different themes. It's inspiring!
5. jspi0025 wrote:
 It's true ,I will never achieve that level! you surely will.I wonder if one day we could all meet some place in this small world of ours!!!!
6. indigo wrote:
 It's funny you should say that because I've often thought of how wonderful it would be to all meet each other at a Think Draw convention! Everyone with their TD names on their lapel...
7. jspi0025 wrote:
 That would be marvelleous!!!Next year perhaps when I retire from work!!!
8. Normal wrote:
 Somewhat scary manicure here! Your convention would be costly with members in Australia, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Malta, Germany, England, Uruguay, US, and Canada - to name a few! But great fun!
9. jspi0025 wrote:
 Normal,perhaps we could compromise a mid-point venue!