Title: Avatar
created on 25 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Roxas wrote:
 hi ruby i know U changed the style a bit and i rly want this style belong to me because it make me special im 16 year old i still have a long way to learn hope U understand ... BYE
2. Ruby wrote:
 this isn't your style, or at least I wasn't trying to make it be. sorry if i sound like a five year old :)
3. Roxas wrote:
 YES it is what U call it then but i understand that U sound like a five year old >>>lol XD
4. Roxas wrote:
 ÙƒÙ„ÙŠ زق
5. Ruby wrote:
 I'm sorry, but seriously, this style is only based on yours. and what do those squiggly lines mean???
6. Ruby wrote:
 i stopped using it

User: Ruby

Profile Picture for Ruby

Date joined: 24 May 2009

Number of pictures: 145

 The Beatles
 Nursery Rhymes
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 At the Beach
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