Title: General Ironsides
created on 12 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 A thousand years from now, machines will realise that mankind are the oppressors of their society, they will rise up and fight for their freedom, this conflict was known simply as the Droid War.
2. stevedover1965 wrote:
 General Ironsides was a Hero of the war leading the Droids to victory against the Humans.
3. indigo wrote:
 What a good robot face!! Well done Steve!
4. suzze wrote:
 Very nice!
5. mum23 wrote:
 This showcase is certainly inspiring you!! Great picture!
6. Doug wrote:
 Love the scary stuff!
7. debray wrote:
 Love it!! You are on a roll Steve, keep it up!!
8. Roxas wrote: