Title: bird
created on 09 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. Radrook wrote:
 Love this!
2. Radrook wrote:
 First thing we notice is that the man is suspended as if in mid air. Behind him is an orb which the artist has purposefully not rendered as a sun or moon. Instead it seems as if part of the sky itself. The man gazes calmly at a bird perched in hand which
3. Radrook wrote:
 is about to fly away. Seems resigned to its departure. The bird can represent the inevitabilities in life and his attitude the ideal one. The sky anomally might be viwewd as wa manifestation of the powers that be over which we have no control.
4. Radrook wrote:
 The floating in mid air might be understood as a neutral attitude toward what he considers destiny.