Title: A Waste of Half an Hour
created on 27 May 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Well, she made me laugh, so your time was not wasted!! Actually, she has kissy lips!!
2. delfasa wrote:
 Funny ,at least you have a picture,I waste an hour and come up with nothing...LOL
3. pinkie wrote:
 Like the eyes!
4. matthew wrote:
 Made me smile :)
5. clorophilla wrote:
 LOL... I know that feeling... but never a wast of time, at least you make us smiling!
6. mum23 wrote:
 Great title! Can relate to the sentiment so well, too! Never time wasted, though... you learn something and we ALL smile!

User: Virgil2

Profile Picture for Virgil2

Date joined: 28 Mar 2010

Number of pictures: 22

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 World Cup