Title: Command & Conquer
created on 27 May 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun is a computer game, NOD forces fight in opposition to the GDI initiative.
2. mum23 wrote:
 Don't know about the game, but powerful pic! I like the way you used the background...
3. debray wrote:
 Agree with mum...Looks like a Ninja to me....
4. arty wrote:
 Neverplay those games, but this looks like an amazing knight
5. polenta wrote:
 It's very good drawing. Many of your last pics are very nice to our eyes. I also work a lot to draw my pics and neither can I get a top 5. It's OK. We can't have all in life. I haven't counted how many pics there are a month, probably more than 3,000. Wel
6. polenta wrote:
 and only 30 can get a Top 5. Maybe God willing, one day we can get one. Meanwhile let's enjoy our community and the happiness of doing what we like. Cheer up. LOL
7. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Thanks polenta
8. hjjr wrote:
 cool pic. . .
9. marg wrote:
 ditto mum23 .. powerful picture !