Title: The Shark
created on 21 May 10

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Comments on this picture (3):
1. loudclaw wrote:
 "Here, I'll put some music on to calm your nerves" said the dentist, as he goes over to the record player. "Thank you Mr. dentist" "your welcome. now where's that play button, ah!" [music starts playing] "No, that's even scarier than before" but it's
2. loudclaw wrote:
 only my favorite tune" "yes but this isn't the right time for the jaws theme tune!" {I couldn't submit this as one comment}
3. coho wrote:
 LOL! Nothing creepier than seeing a big fin while your in the water. Not too far from where I live is a Great White Shark breeding ground. Nice Pic Loudclaw!

User: loudclaw

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Date joined: 9 Feb 2010

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