Title: dinner is served LA CENA ESTA SERVIDA
created on 08 May 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. mrozowski wrote:
 Wonderful pic, polenta.
2. puzzler wrote:
 Certainly looks cubist to me, but then, I know nothing!
3. kmkagle wrote:
 Lovely picture polenta!
4. chelydra wrote:
 Hi - I found about a dozen or more pix in your gallery that seem to be very much in the spirit of this 'mild cubism' idea. I put them up in the forum. . If you looked at the examples I posted earlier (Villon & Carles especially), you'll see they're oft
5. chelydra wrote:
 ...you'll see their art is often lively, always interesting, beautifully designed and colored. You get the feeling there's real intelligence at work, and fully involved. They're a lot like YOU!!!
6. Normal wrote:
 Love this one!
7. mum23 wrote:
 Great picture, polenta. You're really thinking outside the square!
8. spam wrote:
 Wonderful Polenta.
9. debray wrote:
10. five wrote:
 you really did a terrific job with this one!