Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Drawing attention

1. 11 Jun 2010 13:05


I can't afford an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for my web site, so how will it ever be seen. Does Think Draw allow this or if not could it allow me to tell people about my art site?

2. 11 Jun 2010 14:43


You can put a link to your website in your profile on TD -- there's a place to do that. I assume TD will delete anything from the forum (and probably from comments on pics if notified) that comes across as spam.

Some SEO is not rocket science -- make sure you have good, tailored keywords in your metatags, work to increase the number of links you have both on your website to others and on other's websites to you (for example, there are big artists sites like and that let you set up profiles, images of your work, and links, and communicate/friend others. You can set up and maintain an active blog and have links between it and your website. You can twitter. Depending on what you want to do with your art, you can set up an etsy store. Some things you can't control, e.g. the longer a website exists, the higher it's ranking (excluding other factors). You can, if you are willing, also use Google ads as a relatively inexpensive way of generating traffic (more traffic = higher ranking)

I suspect most single artists' websites, particularly if they are static, aren't going to generate that much traffic even with paying for someone to do a SE0. It's more like a calling card.

3. 11 Jun 2010 14:54


Thanks, five. Great advice.