Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXVII: -Another point of view

21. 8 May 2010 06:48


The above was to Mum

22. 8 May 2010 13:42


Another view about the idea of the mum23's pic


23. 8 May 2010 13:55


OOOOOooo sorry Heidi (and mum), you are both 23, I confused your names!!! The pic was from Heidi2323!

24. 8 May 2010 22:55


ok ok... I *know* it isn't really what you had in mind... somehow I just couldn't resist these!
(ducking quickly before chelydra and five show up...)

25. 9 May 2010 02:11


26. 9 May 2010 04:18


hi qs, here we are, hot on your heels!

27. 9 May 2010 08:29


ROFL... ohmigosh...
..............I can feeeeeeel that rollercoaster... LOVE it...
......................................that's sooOOOoo de*con*struc*ted..........*

28. 9 May 2010 12:19


I couldn't possibly be more confused about who to pick! oh well...i'll be passing the baton in the next 30 minutes or even sooner.

29. 9 May 2010 14:28


ok...some thoughts on the entries we've got for the perspective challenge (a.k.a.a final weak attempt trying to sort out my perception on this )..
let's see:
-Clorophilla: -the shift on Yufie's pic: loved it -refreshing, difficult because you switched to the opposite direction and yet carefully held on to the colors and the drawing style (at first I could've bet the pics had been made by the same artist)
- the shift on Heidi's pic: awesome! surprising direction of the 'camera'...caught a moment later (can't help noticing the hands were in touch in your pic). i liked how you kept the meaning of the pic, although you changed both the medium and the perspective
- Angelia: - you surely picked a 'tough' picture. 'Playing with the zoom' got me confused about it. A 'gentle rotation of the camera' would've been easier on this one perhaps.
- Qsilv: you surely have a way to tame the challenges . Diving the camera under the water was surprising indeed and those two pictures were surely enlightening ...direction of currents, flowing liquid, transparence....brilliant work on Marius' waterfall. Perspective under water is a bit different than in our sweet fault for not thinking about it. (the angle of the light gets shifted due to the water, the transparence tricks the eye, the vibrations of the particles in this case may have a saying too).
- Marg : it was great to see another interpretation of the same waterfall. Same remarks about perspective under the water.
- Mum23: loved the horse and especially how you made it keep the same pose. Wish there were more 'space elements' to define the perspective though.
- Chelydra: well...the Madonnas do fit in here (love the 'stoned' one especially, lol), but I think you've got enough 'work' with mild cubism already.
- Five: How I'd wish you'd take more time for those gems. The perspective on Munch were so good, still I can't stop stop thinking that one more drop of patience would lead to another 'Untitled'... (direct reference to Top 5 december)
The golden mean was also delightful. I love it when an idea is interpreted by more than one artist .
This being said...I pass the baton to Clorophilla for the 'waiting' picture:

30. 9 May 2010 15:39


Thank you Shanley, although I don't think to deserve the winning... I found other pics far better than mine, expecially the waterfalls...

Well, I'll be here soon with a new challenge, I have to decide between a little bunch of ideas...