Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Feature...

1. 3 Feb 2010 01:38


... to help you keep up with your chosen users.

As always, please let us know what you think so we can make this useful for you.


(and the new theme is next...)

2. 3 Feb 2010 01:55


This is sweet!!

3. 3 Feb 2010 02:49


This is the best!!!!!

4. 3 Feb 2010 02:55


Thanks very much, ThinkDraw - but LOL, it took me a bit to work out !

For anyone who hasn't checked this out yet, if you want to follow someone, you have to click on their uUSERNAME, not one of their pictures, to see the 'Follow xxx on Think Draw' button.. you'll see the notification come up in your updates, as well as when someone chooses to follow you.

You can stop following someone by clicking on their username - the button now says 'Stop following xxx on Think Draw'.

5. 3 Feb 2010 02:59


sorry.. that was 'USERNAME'..

and BTW, it was actually a bit of a worry to see that someone was following me on Think Draw.. I thought it was a warning, which TD had put into my updates when they realised someone was stalking me.. thought I'd better add that, in case sensitive people like Baldur miss what it's all about !

6. 3 Feb 2010 05:30


I think it's a great addition. Now instead of your friends getting lost in the shuffle of the fly by gallery these days, you can keep up with their latest work. marg: I see where the "stalker" think would come to mind. Good explanation.

7. 3 Feb 2010 05:50


This was really needed, love it..Thanks for having added this application!!!

8. 3 Feb 2010 07:13


I love this new feature, great timing too=)

9. 3 Feb 2010 07:29


Love this

10. 3 Feb 2010 07:37


Rachel - I don't have this feature - could you please it out for me.

11. 3 Feb 2010 07:38


Rachel - sorry, please check it out for me. Many thanks.

12. 3 Feb 2010 09:05


I love this! you are spoiling us again TD, thank you

13. 3 Feb 2010 09:06


vals if you look back a few posts marg explains how it works , thank you marg!!

14. 3 Feb 2010 09:10


Vals, left you a message on your alien pic, but go to your profile, as you now have a follower!!

15. 3 Feb 2010 09:13


Excellent feature!

16. 3 Feb 2010 09:29


This is a very useful feature--thanks!!

17. 3 Feb 2010 10:17


Bad hair day! Thanks to all - understand it now!

18. 3 Feb 2010 10:21


Oh good, now I can stalk people with their full knowledge! So... where is marg??

19. 3 Feb 2010 10:44


lol Puzzler! Think Draw, I wish the button was displayed along with the drawings (it took me a while to see it ). Other than that...can't wait to see what will happen when somebody i follow creates a new pic (I suppose a notification will show up in the updates).

20. 3 Feb 2010 13:11


Now if we could see stats on who is the most followed.............