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Forums - General Discussion - The Parent Trap

21. 16 Aug 2009 09:56


You know solo thats the hardest thing......getting them to try some thing new as far as food. My kids have always been picky about what they eat.
Ash has finally got to where she will try new things, but way! They don't eat alot of junk food Im happy to say! Zoe, if she happens to get a happy meal wont eat french fries! I think its the toy that is the allure!
Zoe's so funny, if we eat mexican her idea of a taco it just the shell with the letuce on the side with ranch dressing as a salad.
She is a big vegie eater not much into meat. In all of her baby pictures her nose hasa orange tint because she ate so many orange and yellow vegies!

22. 16 Aug 2009 10:49


Polenta - You IRONED DIAPERS?! With my four, I went through plenty of cloth diapers, but not one ever felt the heat of an iron. I did fold mountains of them and knew just how to fold for the best fit and maximum absorbtion.

Belladonnis - My daughter has grown up to be a mentor to younger girls. She keeps a stash of dress-up clothes and accessories (some left from her own childhood) and gives tea parties. Each event includes a teaching session which includes sewing or cooking or occasionally a craft. Then they all put on the dress up clothes and set a fancy table and enjoy the feast, part of which they may have cooked. She also always has a lesson of some sort which encourages them to grow up to be healthy, happy, and moral young women. My daughter usually focuses on the 4th through 6th grade group, and often has little sisters asking when they can come.

23. 16 Aug 2009 15:10


My pediatrician told me to wash the diapers with only one brand of soap(I think because it was "neutral"), rinse it very well and iron it because the wrinkles can also affect the baby's delicate skin. I think that if you fold it in a very good way, it could be the same. When I had my son, people didn't know the baby's sex until it was born but very little time later the ultrasound test came. So see how many differences. I don't remember using pins. We used something we call "chiripá" which is like a second diaper with a similar shape but it had like a belt made of the same cloth. We then tied it with a knot to fasten it. No scars!!!!! Then I'll have to say every time we changed the baby it was the diaper AND the "chiripa". Maybe in US they used a pin and didn't have to wash so many clothes.
Yes, we have Mother's Day in May and Father's Day in July. And we also have Grandparents' Day in June and other days too: Nostalgia Day the 24th August and Secretary Day in September (when Spring comes) and there is Friend's Day but I don't remember when. They all began probably as commercial days... but later people got used to them.

24. 16 Aug 2009 16:27


Thank goodness for disposable diapers!!!!!!!!! LOL
I always catch my daugters in my closet with my cloths and shoes on, a tea party would be fun!

25. 16 Aug 2009 16:32


opps logged in under my daughter again!!!!!!

26. 17 Aug 2009 04:39


NO PINS!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a pic of a "chiripá" or second diaper. This looks too thin but the shape is the same. I haven't seen one in more than 30 years. LOL ebe-y-ninos/423523aviso-chiripa.aspx

27. 17 Aug 2009 05:34


Interesting diaper wrap... but I am confused by the price...

$30,00 is what is listed... 2 things... 1) the comma is not after the 3rd digit like 1,000 so do you not use the same counting system??? 2) if it is a typo was it ment to be 3,000 or 30,000 & of what... seems like a VERY high price for a diaper wrap...

28. 17 Aug 2009 06:18


Polenta, when I was little, my mom used cloth diapers (had to, of such thing as pampers yet i don't think!) and I remember her changing my little brother. She used what we kids called plastic underpants over the diapers. They had elastic waists and legs and slipped on like undies right over the diaper, to keep other clothes dry.

Later when my friend had a baby and chose to use cloth diapers, they had diaper wraps much like your chiripa, but instead of ties, they had velcro on the sides. No pins, though! It's been years now since I have met ANYONE who uses cloth diapers.

29. 17 Aug 2009 08:03


How interesting it is to me to know all these similarities and differences! Yes, I totally forgot the nylon or rubber panties. They were used on top of the diapers and the "chiripá" but the nylon panties were comparatively very easy to wash. We also had some with velcro but mostly a cloth belt.

The other interesting question is about the price. First, I found only one pic and it's Argentinian so it's in Argentinian pesos. Yes, the way we use commas and points is different. We use commas for decimals and points for thousands.
$ 30,40 is thirty pesos and forty cents

$ 2.500 is two thousand five hundred pesos

It also surprised me when you used commas for thousands, but this happened half a century ago (LOL) so it's no surprise for me now.
We should have more comments about different cultures, etc. It would make us widen our scope. Imagine if only one picture brought out so many questions!

30. 17 Aug 2009 14:58


I remeber my mom using those "rubber" pants on my brother! It always looked like he had a bubble butt!!!! LOL
It is amazing at how things have changed, like baby bottles, you used to have to boil everything, now everything is disposable! I loved the bottle liners.

31. 17 Aug 2009 15:20


Hey polenta,
Ive been reading about your country of Uruguay. I read that it comes from the Guarani language which means "river where the painted birds live", that is so beautiful. It also said that Uruguay was called the Oriental republic of Uruguay. Is it still called that? And what part are you from? Sorry so many questions but im hooked now!

32. 17 Aug 2009 20:11


Yes, belladonnis, you're right. The name Oriental Republic of Uruguay comes from the fact that our country is the piece of land to the east of the Uruguay Riven so we are the republic or country to the east or the orient of the Uruguay River. But in short we say Uruguay the same as nobody says the United States of America but rather US or the States etc. I can't believe you're so hooked, maybe because I was born here and so normal to me. I'm from the capital Montevideo but it's only about 80 miles from the Casapueblo you mentioned in the other thread. Everything is near here. We are only around 300 miles from the border with Brazil and half an hour by plane to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ask anything if you are curious. I'm also very curious about other cultures.

33. 18 Aug 2009 16:09


Well school has started and boy so has the homework! My daughter Ash asked me to help her with her homework.........its algebra! OMG I wont tell her this but I so hated math plus Im not any good at it! It was not my strong point.
If anyone happens to see one of my pics and its a math equation please leave the answer in the comments! (LOL) I'm really serious people!

34. 18 Aug 2009 17:13


Belladonnis, I know what you mean about the math stuff. I wasn't horrible at it, but I never liked it, and now it's been so many years I don't remember a lot of it. My son is a math whiz...he wins competitions and everything. I don't know where he got it from. But when he was younger and would ask me to help with math, I would try to help and he would argue with me because I wasn't doing it the right way. Math now has totally different techniques than in the past. I finally realized he didn't even need my help, just liked the attention from me. It was also a good stalling method to not get the homework done because he's too busy arguing with me! LOL

35. 18 Aug 2009 17:36


Hey Robin maybe I should hire your son to help teach Ash math!LOL
Hope you figure out the cryptogram on Channel Baulder! My brain is to fried to try!

36. 18 Aug 2009 20:06


Belladonnis, I bet my son COULD help your daughter with her math. I'll suggest to him that he leave her a message on her forum here.

I wanted to tell you, too, there is another website your girls might like. Its' called: They can make their own snowflakes on there, and it's fun for grown-ups too. You see flakes from all over the world there...really cool. It's simple, and you don't need any artistic skills at all to make a pretty flake. I have on occasion seen an inappropriate one here and there, but no worse than what occasionally happens on thinkdraw. Mostly childish stuff, if at all. But just be alert for it, maybe. 99% of them are just pretty creative designs. Thought you and your girls might find it fun. Jake and I both enjoy it.

37. 19 Aug 2009 17:25


Robin we went to that website and it is really cool! Some of the flakes(ha) are so pretty! Thanks for showing it to us! Ash will look for your son in the forum, and if the homework thing doesnt work out then they can meet and just chat!

38. 20 Aug 2009 08:35


I miss my son...

He started Kindergarten today. I walked him to his classroom and I knew tears would be shed, I just expected at least a few to come from him. It was a very proud moment. He was so excited. Once we got to the door he said, "Bye Mommy. Love you!" And he went straight to his little desk with his little name on it and sat down ready to learn...


He's been gone for three hours, and I just laid my daughter down for a nap. So here I am all alone, going through separation anxiety all over again, and turning to my only source for consolation.

Did any of you go through this on your childrens' first days of school, or do I just have severe attachment issues?

39. 20 Aug 2009 09:36


inked_gemini, I think that is a normal feeling for anyone who has had their child go off to school for the first day. It's not JUST about missing their physical presence with you each day, but also representative of their growing up, and how quickly those precious days pass for us all. The good news is that you have obviously done a stellar parenting job thusfar, as evidenced by his confidence and joy on his first day of a new situation!

My son is 12, and we have spent the whole summer together now, and even at this age, with 7 years of first days of school behind me, I am dreading that first day of school again. This year he starts junior high, with all the social and academic challenges that presents. I remember his curly blonde head walking into his kindergarten class way back when....

By the time he gets home, you'll have a big old smile waiting for him! Congratulations to you both!

And Belladonis, I'm glad you and your girls liked the snowflake's cool, isn't it?? I told Jake about your daughter's forum on here, and he is interested in writing, but hasn't seemed to find the right moment yet. His username is fishingsofun, so look for him!

40. 20 Aug 2009 09:42


Inked... My daughter started kindergarden today as well... She had done "mothers day out" 2 years ago & preschool last year, so we were used to the drop off...

This time differs because it is not just for a couple hours... My wife & I are sitting here missing our daughter now as well... If your son shed no tears, you did you job right & prepared him well for this transition...

Did he do preschool last year?