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Forums - General Discussion - tooth implants

1. 1 Aug 2009 11:39


Can anyone give me any feedback about tooth implants if you or someone you know well have experienced one?
Thanks in advance.

2. 1 Aug 2009 12:07


Polenta, my sissy has had two, and do know it is a longer process, also expensive. She had no pain, but swollen, and a little discomfort for a day. She is pleased with the outcome!!

3. 1 Aug 2009 14:35


Someone I know had it done, she said you had to be concerned about rejection. As Lila said, it's very expensive. This woman had a whole mouth done! Had to wear false teeth for awhile. I remember her going through this for a long time, that was for a whole mouth. If you can afford it, it's worth it!

4. 1 Aug 2009 15:48


I have implants. I had a great dentist. He is the best in the field. He specialized in implants etc. The titanium used in the implant is very strong. I have a high level to pain, so ice packs helped with the swelling and Tylenol worked. I've had the three implants for over 8 years. No problems. Yes, it is expensive, but I prefer implants to bridges. One implant back then was about $1,000. Just make sure the person is good. Ask to see his/her work. My dentist had a portfolio in his office. Google the person's name. See if anyone has comments. Good luck.

5. 1 Aug 2009 16:40


Thanks a lot for your information. $1,000 is what they say it costs or cost here per tooth. Maybe now it's cheaper. I imagine the person who had all his teeth done.... that's a fortune!!!
You have been very kind... so it bothers a little but then it's as if it were yours.
I HOPE SO.....

6. 1 Aug 2009 17:54


I have a crown, I think it would count as an implant because the tooth under it is basically gone. The root canal I had to have to get it ready wasn't a joy, I had some pain but I found Ibuprofin worked for it (Tylenol 3's just made me sick and did nothing for the pain so I gave up on them)
The crown itself was no problem and I don't have any pain now but it did fall out once and I had to have it done again. The whole thing was very pricy but most of it was covered by my health care plan from work and they let me make payments on the rest.