Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Theme - Avatars

1. 7 Jun 2009 05:14


Hi all,

We have replaced the Faces theme with a similar (but hopefully improved) theme:

For the moment it is still possible to access the old faces theme, and retrieve any saved drafts, at:

Hope you enjoy it, and let us know what you think....

2. 7 Jun 2009 05:18


Absolutely love it. 'Hope the old 'Faces' doesn't disappear completely because there are some brilliant drawings being created from it.

3. 7 Jun 2009 05:56


wah.. Rachel.. PLEASE don't get rid of the old Faces, even if it isn't on the main palette !

The new one looks like fun, but having both would be the perfect solution..

4. 7 Jun 2009 09:13


I think its great. More options on faces than ever before. Would like to see a "black" background though for a different effect. I like to create pictures out of the objects, not just use a standard face to replicate a "ha, ha" if that makes sense. Thanks for the changes!!!

5. 7 Jun 2009 10:37


I think it needs a blue and a green.

6. 7 Jun 2009 11:28


Thanks for the new toy, and most happy that the old faces is to remain!!

7. 7 Jun 2009 13:34


oooh, so glad to hear the old one's still accessible, too. Is it possible to keep it that way? Thanks for a new medium!

8. 7 Jun 2009 20:44


I want as many mediums as possible but this one is just not for me.

There are several pieces that don't even show up unless you are using the backgrounds...the backgrounds all are wearing clothes that dictate (or at least for me they do) the eye color or hair color... the "hair" and "brows" don't really work at all...

I'm not thrilled! It's not my site but that's my opinion.

9. 7 Jun 2009 21:54


I've copied this from the thread I started yesterday (06:44), just to keep the comments in one place !

It's great to have a new medium and I'm sure everyone will have some fun getting to know the possibilities !

However, I'd be REALLY unhappy to lose the old 'Faces' medium.. and it looks like it's already been partially withdrawn, as I could only find it under 'More'.

The new one hasn't got the same 'tricky but possible' colour range, as only a few of the pieces are soft edged - and from a quick check, I don't think there are any accessible yellows, greens, blues, reds or greys.

I hope no-one likes brown eyes or options on skin colour, 'cause those seem to have gone as well !

My plea is basically that we get to keep 'Faces' as well as the new one, please !

10. 7 Jun 2009 22:20


I love some tranparency that can soften edges. I agree about some color limitation but I appreciate a new challenge. I think the artists can rise to the occasion given time to play and experimentation . life is an adventure. thank you for adding to the excitement, TD wizards. I know you worked hard to give us a new and more realistic palette I do appreciate your new offering. I think it is a step foreward, but change is always difficult, we like to stay in our comfort zone sometimes.

11. 7 Jun 2009 23:35


I'm with marg, the new one is only what you first see. I've been playing with it but it's very hard to do any thing more than find fault. Sorry.

The eye pairs all have two points of light making it very hard to shade for light direction, and they stare straight out at you making it impossible to use them in a profile, the hair is a wreck, and the backgrounds are worthless.

And realistic? Really? I haven't ever seen Avatars that look so wrong and never people itrw...

I don't mean to rain on the parade but it's just not very good. I can see some decent work coming out of it but I think there are way better themes to add. I think it would be nice to incorporate some of the new into the old and add some better backgrounds (not people/faces related).

But give us something totally new to work with.

Btw Rachel, I understand your reluctance to do something real as there was such controversial drawings from the animal theme but look at it now.

Look at five’s work and Luna’s and Waterlily’s, Dragon’s, inked_Gemini’s, Login’s, sheftali52’s, Qsilv’s, oh, and even mine lately, I’ve finally been able to do some decent work in that medium and none of it is gross or objectionable in anyway.

Give us something new and real to work with. Please.

12. 8 Jun 2009 03:14


Thanks Think Draw for the new medium. Could we keep Faces as well? I use it a lot.

13. 8 Jun 2009 04:14


Got to disagree with those of you who don't like the new medium.

I see some lovely pieces of work already from it, and no doubt many more to come.
The medium I find really difficult to do anything with is Candy, so I don't even try, yet many really good pieces are made with it.

Rachel, you can only please some of the people..................

14. 8 Jun 2009 04:54


It's very difficult to get anything attractive out of these pieces, but I'm not saying that it can't be done.
This reminds me of the old 'faces' medium in that we ended up using mental contortions to pull out bits of useful, non comicbook-like images and string them together. I can see that happening here as well.

However if you want to do 'Mad' magazine style caricatures of 'Star Trek' characters this is just the ticket.

15. 8 Jun 2009 08:24


Some thoughts. I'm new to this site and was just beginning to try the old "faces" format. If the old format is gone for good, then the wisdom and talent from "faces" pictures is kind of lost: people cannot apply what they learn from viewing the pictures AND using the playbacks.

16. 8 Jun 2009 08:31


I'm actually looking forward to seeing some of the true artwork that comes out of this theme, after we get over that first stage when everyone's just sort of playing around with the basics of course. Remember when Animals was new and the gallery was filled with bizarre monkey/cat/cow creatures and nothing else? Now it's one of the most artistic themes we have and my favorite. I'll hold judement on this one until I see how people start to use the peices for more than just making faces.
I would love to see a black background in it (actually I'd love to see a black background in each of the themes) and I really hope the Faces theme doesn't go away, I know I don't use it very often but some people have done some really fantastic things in it and I'd hate to lose one of our options.

17. 8 Jun 2009 09:50


Ditto on the black background for all the themes!!! It adds an amazing effect. Sorry a plate and white "pot" doesn't do much for me.

18. 8 Jun 2009 11:39


what I like here is many of the people on think draw are not accomplished artists. even if they are inexperienced and young they can make a presentable and expressive face much more easily than in the old faces. this is so much more satifying and encouraging for them. I also hope we can keep old faces. but I appreciate the new for many reasons. you know how you consider and think about making a picture. then you work very hard on it and people don't like it and seem very critical? I wonder if TD tried hard to please as many patrons as they could with questions as to what we would like; considering our answers and trying to remedy some flaws in the old, wishing to make think draw more appealing even to those less skilled (really the majority), put together and worried over, then hoped for delight and amazement as the worked for creation was presented . I think that is the case. I think there are good and bad asepcts to every thing (yes even winning the lottery). I still maintian, lets give it a chance. I'd like to see black background. I use it a lot. I like old faces too. it had it's limitations (mostly related to my limitations), but all of the themes do..that is what is amazing how the human mind can overcome limitation.

19. 8 Jun 2009 15:48


I agree on the black background in all the categories. This avatar thing is more for a teenage segment. They will really appreciate it. It has a great variety of yellows, which is good. But it lacks greys and blacks that made faces a little more manageable. I know some masterpieces will appear in avatar but the sight of so much light yellow is making me sick. There's no other thing to get hold to. Could two or three pieces in black or grey be introduced, or else PLEASE KEEP FACES TOO.

20. 9 Jun 2009 03:23


You have a point there, polenta. It will have a lot of appeal for the younger TDers.