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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Showcase gone mad

21. 10 Apr 2009 09:26


Actually 'Where in the World' wasn't my topic, wasn't it Lynnspotter's?
I don't wish to take credit for someone else's ideas

22. 10 Apr 2009 09:46


I agree "where in the world?" and the relationship to landmarks was my thought with Nef on several levels.. she is not in Egypt but she definitely originated there and there is much there related to her in ancient city sites and in the valley of kings. She also represented the first known female "king" in egypt..
food for thought "landmark':

*a prominent identifying feature of a landscape
*a fixed marker (rocks, concrete block, stake, etc) that indicates a boundary line
*an event marking an important stage of development or a unique turning point in history
*a building or site with historical significance ( esp one marked for preservation by a municipal or national government
*a court case ruling that sets a precedent
*an anatomical structure used asa point of origen in locating other anatomical structures (belive me you wouldn't want surgery or medicine in general without this one)
this may clarify or even further muddy the waters. nevertheless I am with matthew- the showcases are for fun. (I refuse to submit bodyparts. I see enough of them at work thank you very much) I reiterate we have many ages and cultures involved here. it is not inconcievable that they may not all interpret things in the same way. "live and let live as long as it doesn't offend" suits me. with a caveat not to be quick to take offense as it may not have been intended. I also find when scanning thru the gallery some gems pass quickly by and are lost to sight .. I wish there were more ways to pullout themes or excellent pieces. they suprise , please, and delight me when found but are often never found. so ces't la vie

23. 10 Apr 2009 11:15


I agree with the list on the previous page. Coming back to the landmark being a "guide for direction" or recognition point, as a lighthouse or island would be for a ship, it again depents on the view. To an astronaut I'm sure my "third rock" is the obvious "landmark", but again, example, the rock climber in my rock climbing picture would certainly use the hanging bridge over the two mountains for a landmark, as would anyone in view of it around those mountains or in the valley. There used to be a Bacardi commercial here years ago with a very crooked palm tree on a beach, and that tree was a landmark for that island, too (sorry, can't remember which island anymore).
Either way, it's good to see that I'm not the only one confused here, I think we can almost all agree that this showcase is a matter of opinion as far as belonging/not belonging goes for a lot of submitted artwork. Many clearly belonging, even more in the eye of the beholder, and also some clearly NOT belonging.

24. 10 Apr 2009 13:02


This may be a little off topic but I just wanted to correct gwinnyb. Nefertiti was not actually the female 'King' of egypt, you're thinking of Hatshepsut who ruled for a great many years as King. Nefertiti was wife to Akenaten and step-mother of Tutanhkamun, though I believe she did have a name change and possibly co-ruled with her husband - he was a rebel as far as Pharoah's go.

25. 10 Apr 2009 15:26


thanks dragon you are right. Nefertiti, defintely wasn' t the first female pharaoh, that was probably MerytNeith in the 1st dynasty. Neferusobek also was a very early female pharaoh who wore male trappings in monuments. Ahmose Nefertari, yet another, Hatshepsut after her and is very well known. Nefertiti after her. She was coregent with Amenhotep IV . Many scholars say she was pharaoh after his death but that has been debated at times. Thank you for your correction, and enlightenment in ancient egyption history. I appreciate it.

26. 10 Apr 2009 17:56


Well, the confusion in Showcase certainly led us to new pastures ... I will be delving into Egyption history, when I can tear myself away from TD.
As gwinnyb said, the Showcase title for this month is open to interpretation, but it wasn't the ambiguous entries that I was referring to ... it was the obviously erronious entries, such as the ladybird and others (even though they were beautifully drawn). Thanks for decluttering Rachel and comiserations to any whos drawings have been removed and perhaps shouldn't have been. It is possible to have them replaced by asking Rachel via the Feedback button.

27. 11 Apr 2009 08:24


I think some people (usually seems to be kids) simply clicks the Add To Showcase button for all their pictures. It seems when I find the ones that have absolutely nothing to do with the showcase theme there are always several by the same person. I don't think it's malicious, just that they don't quite understand what it means.
(Also, gwinnyb I bow down to your knowledge of female pharoahs. There's a fantastic article in National Geographic this month about Hatshepsut - which I was thrilled to read as I've always found her so interesting. Amazing pic of her temple and mummy)

28. 11 Apr 2009 09:23


thanks dragon, egypt fascinates me. except for the religion which I find complicated and confusing, also variable according to ruler. I will look for that article in natgeo. it sounds wonderful, thanks again for the info

29. 11 Apr 2009 09:25


Hey, thanks all for the wonderful starter discussion on ancient Egypt - and that's totally serious, not tongue in cheek !

I think it's too easy, if you're a newbie, to tick the showcase option because you think you have to do that to put your picture in the gallery - I'd never have a go at anyone for that, because you CAN'T undo it.

However.. I think I'd rather Rachel and Gideon fixed the rating system first, before sorting out the Showcase !

30. 11 Apr 2009 10:24


So true marg, I can overlook the not really showcase pics, but it would be wonderful to have resolution to the voting issues. Though I do notice most people have stopped commenting on voting, perhaps everything that needs to be said has already been said.

31. 15 Apr 2009 04:54


Firstly - I think Rachel's change to the 'showcase' option is great ! [it now says what the showcase is]

But, just an idea - how about if you couldn't add a pic to the showcase when you first submitted it ? .. i.e. you submit your picture and THEN you can go in and edit it, to add it to the showcase ?

I just thought that might stop newbies from submitting pictures unintentionally..

32. 15 Apr 2009 05:33


A sound and simple solution, marg. I think Dragon is right about inappropriate entries being due to newcomers not understanding what the Showcase is.

33. 15 Apr 2009 05:58



I've seen a couple of instances where someone has left a 'do you really think...' message on a newbie's picture and they've said 'umm, sorry but I thought that was what I had to do to put it on the gallery..'.

Hiya, Rachel.. what do you think ??

34. 15 Apr 2009 22:21


Marg, I had to laugh, I was one of those people when I first came in here. Someone commented that my picture wasn't suppose to be in the showcase. I didn't even know it was in the showcase or that there was a showcase. I thought that was the name of the gallery and to get it there I had to click on showcase.