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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

241. 14 May 2009 18:31


Heavens, imagine a guest host on Radio Baldur!
That would change everything.

242. 14 May 2009 18:35


Hey, how about octomom?? She can talk!

243. 14 May 2009 18:54


Still you should write!

Solo has spoken!

'nough said.

244. 17 May 2009 19:16


It's apparent to me that you do need a guest host as there is no current host.....

245. 18 May 2009 02:15


How about IamAnonymous as a guest host?

246. 18 May 2009 04:32


You can't step down now, Baldur. This stream has the highest number of replies on Think Draw.

247. 18 May 2009 04:44


Thank you Login and Solosater for your concern.
Radio Baldur's transmitting antenna was chopped down by vandals a couple weeks ago. I have been using duct tape to repair it, which works well as a temporary fix. This gives me small bursts of time to broadcast.
Unfortunately the native fauna seems to enjoy unraveling the tape. Perhaps they use it to build nests or line their burrows, who knows?

248. 18 May 2009 04:48


'All Baldur, All the Time'
How did this humble program get the highest number of replies?
In all likelihood if one were to itemize them, 85% would be my own comments. That is wonderfully appropriate.

249. 18 May 2009 04:52


Now going back to a couple posts ago regarding my submitting fiction into the ThinkWrite threads..... I did try that a while back.
My one and only piece was pretty much ignored. I was expecting bad comments and got complete silence, and after using all the key words in one sentence. The rest of my story contained none of the words.
I expected backlash, but it pretty much became invisible

250. 18 May 2009 04:53


I determined that I wasn't cut out for ThinkWrite

251. 18 May 2009 05:00


On another note, this past weekend Radio Baldur's first charity road race took place to benefit 'Thongicef'.
Sad to say it was a complete fiasco and may not be repeated.
Out of the field of competitors matthew took an early lead.
However the site of him racing ahead of everyone else wearing his skimpiest gold lame' thong caused absolutely every other runner to drop out of the race.
Hastily triage centers were set up.
Most may eventually return to leading normal lives.
matthew was awarded our supporters' very first Gold 'Support Cup', Silver and Bronze went unclaimed.

252. 18 May 2009 06:47


Well Baldur, there'th a moral to thith. To thucktheed in thuch competitionth, you have to choothe the right thong.

253. 18 May 2009 07:12


hmmmmm... Baldur, that one WAS a tad erudite (AND posted on April Fools Day), but you're right, sometimes stunned silence speaks as loudly as any cheers, but here in the 'net it can all too easily be interpreted as a soft booooo... too.

MORAL-- we should comment on each others' stuff.
Not to do so is sort of like brushing by people with no words or even friendly looks. Mea culpa.

(Did you know you can enter "Baldur thinkwrite" into Google and get a fairly efficient search the one here in TD anyhow)

254. 18 May 2009 07:12


There was a Three Stooges film in which Curly uttered his most immortal words:
'If at first you don't succeed keep sucking until you do suck seed'.
He was brilliant

RIP Curly Howard

255. 18 May 2009 07:13


I often use Google search to find things on other sites Qsilv, it is very efficient

256. 20 May 2009 20:07


Robert and I went out to the garden center today to get a few annuals for the flower beds. It was warm and sunny, very much like a summer day so we stopped at an ice cream parlor.
I bought 2 small regular unglorified ice cream cones and it came to $6.03 (USD), Rhode Island tax included.
What the heck is this world coming to?
This wasn't a fancy place, and this was definitely the lower end of the price list..... but $6?

257. 20 May 2009 20:18


It was good ice cream, we did enjoy it.
For the amount we got, including the cost of the cone, the napkins and the wage of the lady who scooped the ice cream this should have cost $1 per cone.
I was being rather old fashioned and had plain-old chocolate ice cream.
Anyone ever notice how chocolate ice cream has a very salty taste to it as compared to vanilla. It's a sinful pleasure.

258. 20 May 2009 20:20


MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Chocolate!!!

259. 20 May 2009 20:21


Oh, the flavor that Robert had was 'Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough'.
This place used to have lemon Ice cream as a special summertime flavor and it was incredible. Not to be confused with lemon sherbet, this stuff had the full cream balance going for it.

260. 20 May 2009 20:23


That does sound good... Can't say I have ever run across anything like that before...