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Forums - Community - Curiosty Question - Which Palette?

1. 21 Jan 2014 06:32


Just wondering how you all decide which palette to use? Is it the shapes, colours, a combo of both or something else?

2. 21 Jan 2014 07:16


Lol! Wish I could spell!!

3. 26 Jan 2014 16:15


Hi Chirping!

For me it's rather a mood than a decision, since I choose the palette according to the subject that I'm picturing. The more 'fluent' and 'coherent' with what I imagine as a drawing, the better!
Over time, there have been and still are many TD artists who make the same subject in various palettes with great results as a challenge or just for fun/practice.
(I find this a great technique for improving style although I must admit lacking the time and patience for practicing it. )

4. 26 Jan 2014 16:56


Sometimes I begin with the commitment to a palette. I enjoy finding out just how far I can push each theme.

A couple of the drawings I started were inspired by a single piece that I wanted to play with.

Your experience may be completely different. I'm a bit odd that way. I enjoy the challenge that Think Draw offers. The trickier a challenge is, the more I want to attempt it. That's why my first 100 pics had 10 of every palette. I didn't want to get stuck in a comfortable rut of just one or two palettes. Even the three self-portraits I have are in three different themes.

Honestly, when I first started, I hated Lunartics, Fruit, Gothic and Faces. But now my opinion has changed. I've warmed up to them. It's a funny thing. My best palette has been Gothic. I have more top 5 pics in Gothic than anything else and it used to really intimidate me to even see those Gothic pieces. I didn't think I could ever be good enough to use those things.

I suppose what I'm trying to say (I've said too much, I know), is to push yourself to use the ones that scare you. I say all of this having even fewer pictures than you do. So take my paltry advice with a grain of salt.

5. 28 Jan 2014 23:47


I usually search for the more appropriate palette for a subject: each palette has its challenges and somethime I just need one that offers the right pieces (shapes or colours or transparencies etc).

Then, if I just want to relax I chose a palette that is confortable for me, as faces, beads, fruits or spaces. It depends by the mood too.

At the 2/3 of the month I usually (when I have time) check my pics and search to do some pic in the less popular palettes too, b/c these give more chances to achieve a Top5 ;-)

6. 29 Jan 2014 05:42


Thank you all for your replies. It nice to get other perspectives. I guess I am similar to clorophilla as I look for the palette that most offers what I need. Although I do occasionally try to push myself to use my less popular palettes, such as Lunartics, which I really don't like because I haven't a glue what to do with it! However I think that is mainly down to personal preference as I don't particuarly like pictures constructed with other objects that remain recognisable. My favourite palettes are Beads, Space, Flowers and Gothic and do have a tendancy to try them first. Fruit and Candy I found a bit intimidating at first but since I recently pushed myself to produce work that didn't end up as cartoon like, they are growing on me!