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Forums - Community - Challenge CXX 1st station

21. 26 Jan 2014 11:05


ok bugoy1, y'got me...

"Even with its slubs nubs & yes, bugs - it's still a flexible fabric" ;>

22. 26 Jan 2014 15:43


I had to look up what a "slub" even was. It's fun to learn new things! Thanks, Qsilv!

23. 27 Jan 2014 09:02


By Janice

24. 29 Jan 2014 14:07


a quick one

25. 1 Feb 2014 05:41


Tomorrow after the Super Bowl I'm picking a champion. If you wanted to enter, you don't have much time left.

Good luck to you all!

26. 2 Feb 2014 06:34


This weekend I have been slacking on working. I'm too addicted to Think Draw. I find too many excuses to visit again and again. Is there a support group for ThinkDraw addicts?

Anyway, today I said I'd end the challenge and announce a winner. After listening to what the groundhogs suggest, I've decided to go with Qsilv's work. Partly it's due to learning about a slub.

Congratulations Qsilv! It's now your turn.

27. 2 Feb 2014 14:25


ack... (beginning to laugh...) I knew I shouldn't sneak back into the Forums here! Well this was fun anyhow! So there! (*sticks tongue out at the Universe*) Thanks, bugoy1 --you came up with an interesting challenge.

Mind you, I'd probably have thrust the baton onto Lizzi... she produced Stella's BD cake, Summer Ease, that very cool Lunartics Bouquet, and a wonderfully cozy Snowsuit (and yeah, the button DOES call, doesn't it!), plus her Tall Trees and Northern Lights really is lovely.

...or Five, with that intriguing vision of cornfields through the back window of a '53 Chevy (and who's fun to pick on, after all. ;>

Normal's brilliant Bird, Chirpinq1's adorable mutt, Lolla's ardent Arborist, Janice's bright BIG FISH (teeny little tree)..

Indigo's ____er... (doggone it Indigo, at least give'em Opus numbers if not names!), well that huge yellow sun abstract beaming through purple clouds onto promises of springtime and pathways and rivers to follow... on top of the one she DID name 'Lazy'... which got me laughing, because every time a new palette comes out, that's pretty much what I do... just lay out the bits, do a screen capture, and ponder the patterns........

Clo snuck in at the last there with a totally cheerful double header At The End Of The Rainbow --perfect palette for it.

-- Bugoy, you really brought out a party! AND you pulled off a dandy yourself. Hard to believe that double portrait was done with no cheating. ;>

Thanks for choosing me; I do have an idea already.....