Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge C11

1. 3 Mar 2013 03:30


Thank you indigo. The topic was excellent and I am surprised by the lack of interest in the challenge. I agree with clo, and realize that something has to be done to create more involvement by other members. I have found it hard to find time lately to do any drawings. It takes a lot of time to create something that is good enough to enter a competition, and 2 or 3 hours is what it often requires. I don't know how to limit this to a challenge that can be worked within time limits, such as 15 minutes or 1/2 hr. Anyways, back to the topic. I believe that this is the year of the snake in the Chinese horoscope....soooooo, I would like to see the snake AND the animal from the year you were born. I was born in the year of the dragon, and so a snake with a dragon would be in my picture. I could have the snake wrapped around the dragon, or I could use the snake for some dragon the tongue, or the bumps around the head etc. If you were born in the year of the rooster, you would use the snake and rooster in your picture.... I would also like to see you add an 'invitation' to other members to enter this challenge by making a comment in the first spot of the comments section. There are some fantastic examples of dragons and snakes here on TD. Perhaps giving credit to another member for an inspiration would help to spark some more interest. I think that 3 weeks is the average time of such challenges, but am letting this run for 4 weeks for those who are finding this a busy time of year. April fools day....April 1 is the deadline....hope to see some interesting work and lots of entries!

2. 3 Mar 2013 05:50


thanks BOQ, now I have to figure out what is my china sign...
let me work out this a bit.

About the problem of the few entry, this is so since about 1 yr or so. May be people are too much busy, or the new members enjoy much more quick challenges as Funny Twesday, that request not too much accurate drawings.

About the number of this challenge, I have to say that this should be the CII-th, that means 102. My fault, I named the previous challenge C1 instead of CI, it was just a typo

so the challenge after this will be CIII, 103.
thank BOQ!

3. 5 Mar 2013 07:54


LACK OF INTEREST IN CHALLENGES....??!!! or time ??? or ???? I will be choosing the winner at random in order to get more involvement from those of you who want to be involved, but are limited in time, or just not into the competitive thing. This is supposed to be fun!! If I get a chance, I will put a Youtube video of me adding your names (so that you can see you've been added) to the ballot box and pulling one out. There are some historically significant buildings seen from the front of my place, and I will add a video of those too. ..they might provide some new ideas for TD pictures. The challenge as previously stated, is the year of the Dragon, 2013 in the Chinese Horoscope, (or Zodiac? ) I'm going to post a list of years starting from Baldors birth year of 109 years ago, right up to this year, just in case someone who was born yesterday submits a drawing...good luck to all!

4. 5 Mar 2013 09:54


my first explanation is a bit confusing because I made the mistake of saying snake where i should have said DRAGON. I was born in the year of the snake, and therefore, because it's the year of the dragon, I would put a snake in the picture. If you were born in the year of the horse, as clo , you would have a horse in the dragon picture.!!!! sorry for the confusion....I apologize clo, and hope that you haven't started yet!

5. 5 Mar 2013 11:23


(grinning) so, a sheep with snakes for coiled horns is out, huh?

Time IS an issue. Don't worry, it eventually sorts itself out, and you guys are great promoters.

Me, I'll definitely try something for this one, just want to wait til the new Showcase is announced so I can (somehow) make it do double-duty.

6. 5 Mar 2013 12:19


Well here is my entry.... -J*

7. 5 Mar 2013 12:46



8. 5 Mar 2013 12:48


Qsilv.......a sheep with snake horns would be excellent!!! I have made the correction and it is the year of the Snake.....

9. 5 Mar 2013 15:55


In case you don't kno your chinese sign, go here:

10. 5 Mar 2013 15:58


BOQ, you have do a snake/snake combination!

11. 6 Mar 2013 03:19


Lizzi, thanks for your entry....I hope to get more from you !!!! I am such a dizzy head sometimes (actually most times) that I got the whole thing mixed up and even though a snake-snake combination will hopefully be seen by an entry from someone born in the year of the snake...I was born in the year of the dragon. I double checked with the shortcut to Chinese Zodiac page. I thank you for that too, and hope that others will use it. I was trying to copy and paste something in for the other members, but it wasn't very successful. I do hope to get entries from all 12 animals. it has already been mentioned to me by clo that she will be submitting a horse-snake combination, and maybe Qsilv wit a sheep-snake combination. I am going to attempt the dragon-snake comb So we still need many such as rooster , pig...piglet would be cute... and others!

12. 6 Mar 2013 05:41


Sheep and snake

13. 6 Mar 2013 05:52

Sorry-Did I disturb your nap?

14. 6 Mar 2013 06:56

Have I Seen Any Sheep?...Hmmm

15. 12 Mar 2013 19:52


eeps... Lizzie just reminded me, I had a special reason for doing this combo! (yeah, plumb forgot, and yeah I reeeeally need to get a life! lol)

16. 19 Mar 2013 17:30


it's really a harsh match between horse and snake... every day! husband is Snake!

17. 1 Apr 2013 11:04


I would like to make this fun for the 3 of you who have entered this challenge and am still planning to make a 'production' of this with a video... your ballots will be your pictures (I hope my printer is still working). I have to extend the deadline and so if you wish to have more ballots , draw some more pictures!!!! I am still planning to video the fascinating buildings that can be seen from my place. And a special video showing that I live in a very 'haunted' place. I will be posting the video on Youtube so that ONLY those who entered this challenge can see it. The reason that I have to postpone is because my dog Lacey has decided to give birth to her puppies today, and that's not an April Fool's hands are full! (she has kept me so busy for the past few days I wasn't able to finish my story for Qsilv's writing challenge ) Hope I can get back to you with all of this in a few days. In the meantime, I will try to post a quick sketch informing others that this challenge is still open....quite possibly until Friday!!!

18. 10 Apr 2013 13:13


Hi BOQ - how is going Lacey? and her puppies?
I post here so the topic will return on top.
What do you want to do, another go or close the challenge?
c'mon TDers, last minute...

19. 11 Apr 2013 08:47


thanks for asking clo....I have not forgotten this, but the entire puppy thing has been so very time consuming. I am hoping to get back with a video of a draw for the winner and am also putting some interesting things together on it . It's so much more interesting to communicate with other people if we know a bit about them. I'm hoping that my idea starts a bit of a snowball rolling for those who don't mind sharing a bit about themselves this way! It might be fun! I would like to get this to you asap, but that might not be until the weekend.

20. 15 Apr 2013 07:27


When I fall into a bit of 'bad luck' it seems to trigger a chain reaction. My computer keyboard has been impaled by a metal curtain rod, (yes this all started with the puppies, long story) I am so terribly sorry about not getting this completed as planned. If there isn't a real urgency to move along with this right now, I need a couple of weeks, and am asking until May 1. I'm able to borrow a computer for a few minutes daily and will check back for any responses to this request tomorrow.