Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - MUGDOTS CHALLENGE 103

21. 27 May 2013 12:12


I had to honor a day at the end of May, as well as the one at the beginning.
"In Flanders field, the poppies grow; Between the crosses, row on row."

22. 27 May 2013 15:15


In Flanders Field....
Thanks Normal

23. 30 May 2013 07:08


May is hurrying to make way for June. Please add any last inspirations to our challenge (which is really 104, not 103) and the baton will be passed tomorrow. Note that winners are chosen as often by whim as for merit, since ALL participation has merit. Thanks to all those TDers who did join in, including those whose pictures I just appropriated!

24. 31 May 2013 07:25


So May is wafting away...Thanks to all participants! We had my Maypole, Lilacs and Crosses. Lizzi gave us Gentle Sun, Flowers, Toadstool and Mother, May I. She is busy getting a new hip, so we wish her well. (By the end of the 50 Vicodin, or whatever they supply, you'll feel like part of the human race again, never fear!) Indigo sent a Poster and Poppies. jclr gave us the Queen, a Bouquet and Ellie May. I co-opted Clo's Wright Brothers and she added Kites and Swings. Priya 41's Daffodils were added, as was Lilia's Sunny City.

I pass the baton to jclr! Jan, we got our numbers wrong, so the next Mugdots Challenge is number 105. At the bottom of the Community menu is the option to start a new topic. We've been enjoying your art since you joined us. These Forum challenges just give us another topic to focus on. Hope you enjoy doing this! The topic, length of time, and choice of next person to lead us is all yours.