Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - The Doldrums

101. 7 Oct 2011 01:59


March 25th 2011/ Sep 5th - Weight = 418 Ibs (190 Kgs) ( 29 Stones )
Since Milk Diet & Surgery
Oct 07th 2011 - Weight = 386 Ibs (175 Kgs) ( 27 Stones )

Weight Loss 2 Stone 4 Ibs (Whoop Whoop!)

102. 7 Oct 2011 19:23


Wow Steve...that's great news. So happy for you! I hope all continues to go well!

103. 11 Oct 2011 02:59


11/10/11 Weight 379.72 Ibs

104. 17 Oct 2011 14:48


16/10/11 Weight 376.42 Ibs
171.10 Kgs
26.94 Stone

Weight lost so far = 42 Ibs = 3 Stone exactly
Mini Goal = 300 Ibs
Final Goal = 174 Ibs

105. 17 Oct 2011 17:24


Good for you may have to change the name of your thread to the victory chant...the doldrums sounds too depressing for your hard earned achievements! Hope you will be okay with such rapid weight loss. Are you still under a doctor's supervision? Take care Steve. We look forward to more updates.

106. 18 Oct 2011 01:50


Thank you Hazer I hope you are coping well and receiving plenty of support, your plight is also in our hearts and we all wish you well.

107. 18 Oct 2011 07:07


Thanks Steve. I do have my moments, but in general I am coping quite well. Perhaps it's because the reality hasn't really sunk in yet....that will come when I get a flat tire on the freeway or some other such dilemma I could always rely on hubby to rescue me from!

108. 20 Oct 2011 16:31


Today was the monthly clinic for PD (peritoneal dialysis) patients. My phosphorous is finally down to an acceptable level, but my albumin (protein) dipped below the lower limit. Guess I need to cook breakfast more often instead of just having toast. Next month I go to classes so I can try the overnight cycler. Hope it works. If so, I will only have to do one exchange during the day, instead of four. Which will make it easier (in THAT regard) to spend time at my parents'. My father has been battling throat cancer for about eight years. The latest biopsy found more, but he doesn't want to have it removed. He's tired of hospitals.

109. 25 Oct 2011 03:43


Sorry to hear about your Father, Renee. It must be difficult dealing with your health issues and resolving your feelings of grief for your Dad's battle with cancer. I can only guess how tired and distressing it must be for your Father undergoing constant therapies and treatments for a dehabilitating disease that isn't showing many signs of improvement.

It is pleasing to hear about your phosphorus levels and your albumin is readily achievable through diet, it is even better news that you may well be able to receive dialysis during the night giving you more freedom during the daytime. Question Renee will this disturb your sleep? Spending time with your parents is very important under the circumstances so I hope this works well for you.


110. 25 Oct 2011 03:54


To treat my neuralgic pain I was prescribed Gabapentin (Neurontin) in 300mg doses 3 times a day. This medication is quite heavy and has psychotropic effects: mood swings, somnolence (Tiredness, frequent need to sleep) irritable moods etc. I am still losing weight gradually, but I am eating a little better, pretty much things are all going well. Going back to Chichester (St, Richards Bariatric centre) for check up's on the 3rd November.

111. 25 Oct 2011 07:15


I'm glad to hear that you could finally improve your diet, Steve. You are right that I can improve my albumin level easily enough. Just need to eat eggs for breakfast instead of being lazy & making toast! Won't know if the cycler disturbs my sleep until I try it. Keeping my fingers crossed. Had an ultrasound on my thyroid yesterday and will have a thyroid scan next month. It is obviously enlarged, so checking for hyperthyroidism. Maybe once this issue is addressed, I can finally get some answers on another problem. It's embarrassing to talk about, even with my doc. Complete loss of sex drive. But I finally brought it up with Dr. O. He wants to check the thyroid before we discuss hormone therapy. It is partly due to the kidney shutdown, which caused me to go thru menopause early. But I'm only 40 and I'm not ready to be celibate, damn it. Neither is my husband! I can't believe I wrote all that.

112. 25 Oct 2011 11:52


Thanks for reading my Science Fiction story, I was beginning to think no one was going to read it, I think I am trying to flesh out some ideas, although they are not all that original, I have tried to add some valid ideas to the timeline, but I am no writer. Still I am quite enjoying this, pass the word around Renee maybe I will get some more readers and this thing might develop legs.


113. 27 Oct 2011 01:32


<div style="font-family: Arial;font-size:12px;width:300px;margin:0px <img title="" alt="" src="" border="0 <br><center>    free" title="" style="color:#3A62AD; text-decoration:none; weight loss blog<noscript>buddytslim</noscript></center></div>

114. 27 Oct 2011 01:33


That last post didn't work too well lol never mind

115. 28 Oct 2011 08:22


Steve, you may have more success with this on ThinkWrite ... that's where the story writers on ThinkDraw were shifted to.

116. 28 Oct 2011 20:30


Steve, if you decide to go to ThinkWrite, let me know! Don't want to miss your great story.

117. 31 Oct 2011 10:50


actually they did object on the basis this was not a separate challenge, or in response to someone's challenge, I did find a solution to the editing scenario problem, which is I will now write this story using ms works then when I am happy with the latest paragraph etc post it to the forum.

Please be patient with me though because my eyes are a problem and I have to take things slowly.

Thanks for reading

x Steve

118. 31 Oct 2011 11:09


This is how I imagine the "Sophie McPhee" to look in my story.

119. 31 Oct 2011 16:03


Crikey must be the medication she of course is known as the "Sirocco McPhee"

120. 31 Oct 2011 16:22


Gone a bit blank on names so looking for help the best names I will use for my characters.

First Mate: A mature sexy Woman, self sufficient confident, can look after herself, knowledgeable and deadly with a recoilless Glock 70 semi-automatic hand gun.

Chief Mechanic: Chinese Male engineering genius, can repair virtually anything given the tools and materials, superior improvisation skills, quirky nature kind of nerdy even loves his gadgets (probably built by himself). Is a black belt in Wushu martial arts.

Please give me some possible names for those characters that I can consider, please use the internet to research the names and spellings concerned, something reflecting the characters possible natures.

The best names will be used in the story I am writing and will be main characters.

Remember my Captain Emilio Martinez is a tough hombre and will only employ people with cool names lol
