Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Think Write Challenge LIV

1. 5 Sep 2010 06:43


Just a quick reminder that there is a brand new Think Write challenge on started today by midnightpoet:

There are also a whole bunch of different creative writing challenges there to try your hand at.

Thanks, Think Draw

2. 6 Sep 2010 06:04


First, thank you ThinkWrite for trying to keep us wannabe writers advertised as being on the other site. Also, I would like to extend my personal invitation to all of you to join us. I began on ThinkDraw on Christmas Eve of 2009 and I do enjoy dabbling in the art side, but there is a whole different side over at ThinkWrite. Check it out!

3. 6 Sep 2010 13:08


Thanks Doug. Due to your encouragement I went to Think Write and was impressed with the creativity there! I think it is highly possible I could become addicted to (TWO) Think sites. LOL. Punctuation and exact procedure on constructing sentences, paragraphs etc. don't come that easily to me. However, I have a relatively creative mind and LOVE short stories.

So...again, thanks for the nudge. I will visit Think Write as time
permits. Rosie

4. 6 Sep 2010 15:28


Don't undermine yourself, rosie. You're perfectly literate.

5. 19 Sep 2010 06:37


Just another reminder for Challenge LV:

And any feedback on the site is welcome...

6. 17 Feb 2011 10:29


Its been a while coming but the new Think Write challenge is on:

7. 18 Feb 2011 15:30


I must proclaim Think Draw and Think Write the two best websites on the Internet. A month ago I found Think Draw by playing another fun site (Web Sudoku). I'm not much of an artist, but I enjoy doodling and love looking at the great gift of others in their artwork. Then, playing Sudoku one more time wasn't there a link to Think Write. Double my pleasure, double my fun!!! Writing is my craft and am so pleased to have found the site. I immediately put my fingers to keys and tapped out a piece of art (in my eyes, all my writing babies are works of art in the process of becoming more). Quite a few of you are there but you've not visited in a while. How about a return visit with this new challenge. I'll meet you there under code name EmyO. Gremmy is who I am to my grandkids and my artwork to them is Gremmy-great. But, for writing I become more serious. So, seriously, come over for this new challenge. See you there--EmyO